Getting Started with Processing
Casey Reas and Ben Fry
Getting Started with p5.js
Lauren McCarthy & Casey Reas & and Ben Fry
Effective awk Programming
Arnold Robbins
Doing Math with Python
Amit Saha
Docker: Up and Running
Sean P. Kane and Karl Matthias
Docker Cookbook
Sébastien Goasguen
Deep Learning Cookbook
Douwe Osinga
Cybersecurity Ops with bash
Paul Troncone and Carl Albing
CSS Cookbook
Christopher Schmitt
Computer Programming for Absolute Beginners
Joakim Wassberg
Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java
V. Scott Gordon & John Clevenger.
The Complete Coding Interview Guide in Java
Anghel Leonard
Coding iPhone Apps for Kids
Gloria Winquist & Matt McCarthy
Classic Shell Scripting
Arnold Robbins and Nelson H. F. Beebe
C++20 STL Cookbook
Bill Weinman
C++ High Performance
Viktor Sehr Björn Andrist
Build Your Own Programming Language
Clinton L. Jeff ery
A Bug Hunter's Diary
Tobias Klein
Bluetooth Low Energy Security Study Guide
Martin Woolley
The Bluetooth Low Energy Primer
Black Hat Go: Go Programming for Hackers and Pentesters
Tom Steele & Chris Patten & Dan Kottmann
bash Cookbook
Carl Albing and JP Vossen
Carl Albing & JP Vossen
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming ...
Al Sweigart
Artificial Intelligence in the 21ST Century
Stephen Lucci & Danny Kopec
The Art of Writing Efficient Programs
Fedor G. Pikus
The art of debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse
Norman Matloff & Peter Jay Salzman
Arduino Playground
Warren Andrews
Arduino Cookbook
Michael Margolis
Applying Math with Python
Sam Morley
Applied Computational Thinking with Python
Sofía De Jesús & Dayrene Martinez
Android™ Design Patterns
Greg Nudelman
Android Cookbook
Ian F. Darwin
Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2
Kattni Rembor